Tripura Tribal Welfare Department 2022 - Application form

 Tripura Tribal Welfare Department 2022 - Application form

Tripura    Tribal      Welfare Notification :

tRibal       Welfare    department jobs   .    Candidates c an check eligibility criteria      Mentioned. 

Post Name:

1•     AgriCulture (   incl   . Horticulture   ) Production     Specialist

2     AnimAl    Husbandry    Specialist

4     Water      Resources and Environment       Specialist 

5     Post-   --harvest    Management   / Supply    Chain   Specialist 

6       Market     Linkage     Specialist 

1        Institution      Buildins (   F P O  ) Specialist 

8      Institutional     Spec    ia li st 

9       Tribal      development    Specialist 

10       Financial       Management Specialist 

11      Procurement       S pecial ist 

t 2 Roads Engineer 

t3        Environment      SafegUard    Specialist 

t4         Social      Development     aNd Safeguard        Specialist 

l5           Education        Specialist 

l6          Senior        Education Infrastructure       Specialist (    for physical &

rctirFyro     ) 

Total    Vacancies: 16 Nos


Apply    Mode     : Application      should      be    submitted    addressing to: The Director   ,,   Tribal    Welfare Department,

Government      Of     Tripura, P.N.Complex, Gurkhabasti,         Agartala, Tripura       West, P.O.

Kunjaban  , PIN-  799 00 6 (   Hardcopy   ) 

oR    tHrough    E-mail   :     (in a

single PDF fite     )

Age limit: less       than 65    years

Education Qualification: please red notification 

C onfidentialitv        of data and documents   :            **The       data collected    //  produced as well as deliverable produced for the Tribal Welfare        Department,

Govt. of Tripura or for the society to be constituted for the proj ect under Tribal Welfare

Department, G ovt. of Tripura shall remain with this officbbe      /society. No one shall utilize or

publish oR       disclose or      part with, to thiRd     party, any part of the data or statistics or proceedings or

informatio n collected         for the purpose of         this assignment or during the      course of assignment

from the Tribal Welfare    Department or s   ociety to be constituted for the       project under Tribal

Welfare        Department      'c  , Govt. of Tripura,     without the     expressed written        Consent oF   this office. The

consultants are bound        to hand over the entire set        of records of assignment to this Department or

society to be constituted for the project under      the Department, Govt. of T     ripura before the

expiry of ththe      ontact and before the final payment are released      by this Department or by the   

society to be      constituted for the project       under Tribal Welfare Department     , Govt. of Tripura.

Important Dates:

• Last date for offline apply : 18.04.2022

Tripura    Tribal      Welfare Notification :

Important Links:

Official Website link :- Click Here

Notification link :- Click Here

Application form: Click Here

Online apply link :- offline or email.

Video link:-Click Here

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